Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Internship Roles and Responsibilities

Internship Registration Link: 

R2C Technologies Internship Registration link

Internship Roles and Responsibilities

It’s important you enter your internship with the right mindset. If you don’t know what to expect from your internship role, you’ll be better prepared and know what you need to do to succeed. Also, carrying out your intern responsibilities successfully will assist you in building up a potent skillset that will shine in your next role. 

An Internship Is...

An internship is an experiential academic experience in which a student has intentional learning goals/objectives with measurable outcomes. These learning goals/objectives may include:

·         Academic Learning: the student may apply and test knowledge learned in the classroom to a professional work environment.

·         Career Development: the student may explore a specific field of interest; expand his or her professional network and gain and understanding of the qualifications and duties involved in a specific profession or career field.

·         Skill Development: the student gains an understanding of the transferable skills and knowledge required for success in a professional work environment and integrates those skills in their academic learning.

·         Personal Development: the student gains decision-making skills, self-confidence, business savvy, ethics, and teamwork required for success in a professional work environment.

An internship is designed as an exchange. The student agrees to complete work that will benefit the host organization and in return is offered the opportunity to learn new skills, expand his or her knowledge of a particular field and explore career options. Employers offer internships for many reasons. They see student interns as fruitful and economical resources with which they can accomplish projects not otherwise possible. They believe interns bring enthusiasm and new ideas into work settings and make strong employees. Just as importantly, employers feel an increasing commitment to education and want to help train students to assume responsible roles in society.


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