C Programming Operators
An operator is a symbol that
tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical functions. C language
is rich in built-in operators and provides the following types
of operators − Arithmetic Operators.
Relational Operators. Logical Operators.
The following table shows all the arithmetic operators supported
by the C language. Assume variable A holds 10 and
variable B holds 20, then −
Operator |
Description |
Example |
+ |
Adds two operands. |
A + B = 30 |
− |
Subtracts second operand from the first. |
A − B = -10 |
* |
Multiplies both operands. |
A * B = 200 |
/ |
Divides numerator by de-numerator. |
B / A = 2 |
% |
Modulus Operator and remainder of after an integer
division. |
B % A = 0 |
and decrement operators
Increment and decrement operators are
unary operators that add or subtract one, to or from their
operand, respectively. They are commonly implemented in imperative programming
languages. ... The increment operator increases, and the decrement
operator decreases, the value of its operand by 1.
The following table
shows all the arithmetic operators supported by the C language. Assume
variable A holds 10 and variable B holds 20,
++ |
Increment operator increases the integer value by one. |
A++ = 11 |
-- |
Decrement operator decreases the integer value by one. |
A-- = 9 |
Assignment Operators
Assignment operators are
used to assigning value to a variable. The left side operand of the assignment
operator is a variable and right side operand of the assignment
operator is a value. This operator is used to assign the
value on the right to the variable on the left.
Operator |
Example |
Same as |
= |
a = b |
a = b |
+= |
a += b |
a = a+b |
-= |
a -= b |
a = a-b |
*= |
a *= b |
a = a*b |
/= |
a /= b |
a = a/b |
%= |
a %= b |
a = a%b |
C Relational Operators
A relational operator checks
the relationship between two operands. If the relation is
true, it returns 1; if the relation is false, it returns value
0. Relational operators are used in decision making and loops.
Operator |
of Operator |
Example |
== |
Equal to |
5 == 3 is evaluated to 0 |
> |
Greater than |
5 > 3 is evaluated to 1 |
< |
Less than |
5 < 3 is evaluated to 0 |
!= |
Not equal to |
5 != 3 is evaluated to 1 |
>= |
Greater than or equal to |
5 >= 3 is evaluated to 1 |
<= |
Less than or equal to |
5 <= 3 is evaluated to 0 |
Logical operators
Operator |
Name |
Description |
&& |
Logical and |
Returns true if both
statements are true |
|| |
Logical or |
Returns true if one
of the statements is true |
! |
Logical not |
Reverse the result,
returns false if the result is true |
C Programming bitwise operators
operators are
special operator set provided by 'C. ' They are used in
bit level programming. These operators are used to manipulate
bits of an integer expression. Logical, shift and complement are three types
of bitwise operators.
Operators |
Meaning of operators |
& |
Bitwise AND |
| |
Bitwise OR |
^ |
Bitwise exclusive OR |
~ |
Bitwise complement |
<< |
Shift left |
>> |
Shift right |
Other Operators
Comma as an operator:
The comma operator
(represented by the token) is a binary operator that evaluates its first
operand and discards the result, it then evaluates the second operand and
returns this value (and type). The comma operator has the lowest precedence of
any C operator, and acts as a sequence point.
The sizeof operator
Sizeof is
a much used operator in the C or C++. It is
a compile time unary operator which can be used to compute the size of its
operand. The result of sizeof is of unsigned integral type which is usually
denoted by size_t. sizeof can be applied to any data-type, including primitive
types such as integer and floating-point types, pointer types, or compound
datatypes such as Structure, union etc.
Other operators such as
ternary operator ?:
, reference operator &
, dereference operator *
and member selection operator ->
will be discussed in later tutorials.